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French: Modern France
Famous landmarks / monuments célèbres
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French: Modern France: Famous landmarks / monuments célèbres
France and French customs and history.
Flag / drapeau
Currency / argent de la monnaie
Famous landmarks / monuments célèbres
French stories / Histoires françaises
Regions and their food / Régions et leur nourriture
Famous Landmarks
Famous Landmarks of France
Famous landmarks in France
10 attractions, sights and landmarks in France
Eiffel Tower
Eiffel Tower
Engineering - Eiffel Tower
Palace of Versailles
Mont St Michel
Arc di Triomphe
Interesting facts about the Arch di Triomphe
Pont du Gard
Sacre Coeur
The Louvre - Paris
Abbey of Fontenay
Notre Dame
Mont Blanc
Currency / argent de la monnaie
French stories / Histoires françaises >>